Living in This Low Level of Consciousness is Stealing Your Dreams
May 02, 2024Looking at the landscape of contemporary consciousness in the post-covid era, I sense that something dramatic has shifted. It's like a seed was planted in the early stages of the plandemic, and have sprouted to bear the undesirable fruit of silent suffering, immobilizing so many otherwise good and conscious individuals.
Those who should have abundant energy for participating in the mass awakening find themselves locked into a recurring state of being which feels limited, restricted, forced, and cut off from healthy progression.
Consciousness is a word we use to describe states of being, and in this new world your state of being is heavily influenced by manipulative media, social engineers, environmental toxins, and propagandists.
Your state of being is intentionally suppressed and held in suspension in the lowest levels of consciousness, which are marked by a few key emotions which make it nearly impossible to experience expansion and power in your life.
Tell me if any of this sounds like you:
- Your nervous system feels agitated, activated, and fired up all day.
- Your mind is consumed with circular negative thoughts about what is possible (or not possible) for you, and what is to come in your life.
- Your energy is totally consumed with this state of being, and there is little to nothing left in the tank to pursue your most meaningful goals.
- You're constantly in a state of extreme hyper-vigilance, always expecting something bad to happen to you .
- You're telling yourself stories that don't make sense when compared to your reality.
- You know there is a better life waiting for you, if only you could step out of this cloud.
- You are decidedly not relaxed, calm, or at ease.
- You are in a state of perpetual silent suffering.
- You find yourself repeatedly returning the salves, medications, distractions, and escapes that you know do more harm than good.
- You'll do just about anything to experience even a momentary relief of this inner pressure and turmoil.
- You've been experiencing this state for so long now that you've come to believe it as your baseline normal.
- You're completely exhausted by a feeling the feelings of overwhelm and frustration.
- You awaken in the morning and instantly return to a state of fight or flight even though nothing at all has yet happened.
- You are tense, nervous, and unable to relax.
- Everything you seek to accomplish has either limited results or never makes it through to completion.
- You notice that you are avoiding doing the most important things which will carry your life forward.
- You feel stuck, out of place, and disconnected from the people and activities which bring you the most joy.
- You have the desire to be of service, but just cannot see how to get on that path.
- You know there is a better life waiting for you somewhere, but don't know what to do to experience it.
In my work as a self-sabotage and emotional self-mastery coach, I've noticed that this state of consciousness commonly underlies everything negative that a client is going through.
Anything they attempt or aspire to do is held back, stumped, and derailed before it even starts.
There is an overwhelming tendency towards procrastination and avoidance, which is obviously counter-productive, yet no amount of will power alone seems to be able to provide reprieve or advancement.
Most people look at the effects of the problem as if it were the actual problem, without actually understanding the cause.
They project onto the world a dream or a desire, and when this endeavor becomes unattainable, they blame the world-at-large, the economy, the system, the matrix, the president, or whatever.
But when you look ever deeper into why you do what you do, you begin to see a pattern of emotional turmoil that precedes our present economic and social conditions.
It is a supremely familiar state which has been with you, undoubtedly, for a long time, often reaching all the way back into your childhood, and our current situation has brought this pattern to the surface, making it a regular feature of daily life, continuously recreating circumstances and situations to fulfill this pattern.
And without recognition and awareness of the underlying truth of why you feel the way you feel, you'll always be carried to and fro by the conditions of the moment, never realizing that the moment would be better if only you were able to eradicate this emotional pattern from your life.
So, what is it?
Well, it's anxiety.
Yes, anxiety.
The thing is, as a 'consumer' in a world managed by elites, your lifestyle, opportunity, beliefs, and motivations are carefully curated and dictated by the social engineers.
And in order for them to reach their goal of minimizing resistance and rebelliousness, they need you to be sidelined, and nothing benches more good people or steals more dreams than anxiety.
If you won't sideline yourself by destroying your body with toxic foods, pharmaceuticals that don't heal, living the prescribed sedentary lifestyle, or pissing away your life in front of the TV, then you will fall victim to the anxiety program.
In order to participate in your life and in this world, you must understand what is really happening within yourself, and learn the skills needed to let go of lower states of consciousness.
I work with people like you to help them identify and understand the true nature of their suffering, and share skills, insight, and shifts in perspective to aid them in adapting and overcoming them. If you're interested in what this could look like for you, book a FREE 15-minute call with me, HERE.
Peace and Power,
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